Dental travel tips
Summer has arrived which means most Australians are soon to be in holiday mode! Going on holidays is a well-deserved time to break away from your busy schedule and cheat a bit on your healthy diet – and while it’s your chance to relax, it’s important you don’t neglect taking good care of your dental hygiene routine. Here’s how to take care of your teeth while travelling.
The best foods for healthy teeth
We all know what foods we should be limiting to maintain strong and healthy teeth - sugary foods and drinks that strip away your tooth enamel. In fact, when sugars and starches come in contact with the plaque on your teeth, they create acids that can damage your tooth...
Best dental practices for kids
Did you know that tooth decay is five times more recurrent in Australian children than asthma? And according to the Australian Dental Association, more than half of all Australian six-year-olds have some decay in their baby teeth. Children are prone to tooth decay...
Do “Permanent” Crowns Last Forever?
At Castlemaine Smiles Dentist, dental crowns (often called caps) are the treatment of choice for several conditions.
Top 4 Wonders Of Brushing And Flossing
Caring for your teeth shouldn’t be the work of your dentist alone. After all, you are the one who spends the most time with your teeth and not your dentist.
The Importance Of Oral Hygiene
It is critical that you take the best possible care of your gums and teeth. It is difficult to overstate how important oral health is to your overall health and general feeling of wellbeing.
Finding the Perfect Dentist in the Castlemaine Area
When you’re searching for a new dentist, you’re looking for someone more than just a teeth cleaner. Your dental health is a key part of your overall health, so it’s important for every patient to have a dentist who makes them feel at home.