Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Comprehensive Treatment Plan | Dentist Castlemaine At Castlemaine Smiles, we understand that not all patients are the same, and that each of them has unique, specific dental needs. We tailor our service to provide you with the first-rate care you deserve.

We believe that good dental health is not when a dentist keeps fixing your teeth, but when your teeth do not need fixing at all!

When you have good dental health you should be able to enjoy fresh breath, confident eating, and a beautiful smile.

What is a Customised Comprehensive Dental Treatment Plan?

Most of us have experienced a ‘quick check up’ at the dentist. Your dentist merely checks to see if anything is wrong or likely to go wrong in the next six months. It is probable that any problems will just be patched until they break the next time. This is quick, easy ,and ultimately leads to the gradual destruction of your teeth.

In order to help you experience confidence and stability in your dental health, We are interested not only in what is going wrong with your teeth, but most importantly why. He looks ahead, not just six months, but years to see if there is something that can be done now to protect your teeth and prevent ongoing problems from occurring.

This involves:

  • Dedicating time to get to know you more and your oral health
  • Identifying and understanding your specific goals for your dental health or smile appearance
  • Adjusting the plan as needed based on your feedback and changing needs
  • Entailing multiple procedures for patients who have advanced gum disease or require dental reconstruction

Comprehensive Treatment Plans at Castlemaine Smiles

Your personalised comprehensive treatment plan aims to set you up for long term success by evaluating your needs, repairing damage, strengthening potential weakness, protecting against the cause of disease, and most importantly tailoring a preventive program for you to help minimise ongoing dental problems.

At Castlemaine Smiles, we welcome any questions that you may have as we believed that only by working as a team together can excellence in dental care be provided.

Call us on (03) 5472 1377 or book your appointment online today.