Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry | Dentist Castlemaine Castlemaine Smiles is equipped with the latest laser technology to address your dental needs in a less invasive way. This allows your Castlemaine dentist to more gently and accurately perform a wide range of cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures.

One of the great things about dentistry is the constant appearance of new and exciting technologies to help us provide the highest level of dental care, performing brand new procedures and old procedures in new ways.

The dental soft tissue laser is a wonderful example of this. The laser can be used to replace a scalpel in the majority of gum and periodontal surgeries. The laser is blood free and healing is faster and much less uncomfortable!

Gum Disease

Deep periodontal pockets can be sterilised improving treatment outcomes and often avoiding complex periodontal surgeries.

Laser Enhanced Power Bleaching

The laser can be used to accelerate in-practice tooth bleaching to give you an outstanding shade change in your smile in less than an hour. Please note a home bleaching kit will also be given to you to top up your new smile in the future.


Fillings near or below the gum line are hard to treat and often require two visits. With the laser we can almost always restore these teeth in one much more simple visit.

Cosmetic Gingivectomies

Many people look like they have short stubby teeth, whereas in reality their teeth are of normal length. In fact, it is their gums that are too long and thick. The laser can be used to re-contour the gums allowing the true beauty of the smile to shine through

Dental Crowns and Implants

Gum management is very important for excellent crowns, again the laser simplifies this for the patient.

Ulcers and Cold Sores

As long as the laser is used in the very early (prodromal phase) ulcers and cold sores will heal faster and less painfully. There is evidence to suggest that some cold sores will not return in the same site.

Happy Patients at Castlemaine Smiles

Our laser therapy makes many complex procedures easier and less invasive for our patients in Castlemaine, which makes them happy, and happy patients make us happy!

Learn how laser therapy can help improve your overall dental and general wellbeing.

Call us on (03) 5472 1377 or book your appointment online today.