Tooth loss, for instance, was once a major problem. There was no coming back once you lost a tooth. Fortunately, today we have a variety of remedies to choose from, each guaranteed to give you back your perfect smile and confidence.
Dentures in Castlemaine are one popular choice. Whether needed for tooth decay or other causes, dentures can definitely fix your tooth loss problem.
Unfortunately, the disadvantages that come with imperfect dentures can make a long list. There’s the danger of dentures falling out at any time, causing embarrassing moments. Eating can also be a problem. Finally, chewing can be adversely affected.
Good thing you have denture procedures at Castlemaine Smiles Dentist to save you from these embarrassing moments! We understand the hassle; that’s why we issue only top-quality dentures for your mouth. Each denture is custom-fitted, unique to each person, and adapted to his/her needs and lifestyle.
Benefits of Dentures
Dentures are a removable substitute for missing teeth. They also allow the future possibility of switching to a permanent remedy such as dental crowns or bridges. They are made of materials mimicking the natural properties of teeth. With Castlemaine Smiles Dentists’ dentures guaranteed perfect fit, the following benefits can be achieved:
- Improved/ resumed ability to bite and chew therefore former restrictions on what to eat will be lessened.
- Returned balance of pressure among the teeth to protect remaining teeth from excessive wear.
- Natural interplay between mouth and jawbone will be returned thus preventing the face from sagging.
- Reduced speech problems caused by gaps of the missing teeth.
Types Of Dentures
There are two types of dentures according to your needs.
The first one is the partial denture. Partial dentures are used if there are still remaining natural teeth. They are used either in the upper or the lower arch.
They are held in place by several metal clasps and can be removed and reinserted without professional help.
A complete/ full denture, on the other hand, is perfect for patients who have lost all of their teeth, either in the upper, lower or both arches.
Caring for your dentures
Dentures are a seamless replica of natural teeth. Their benefits are evident immediately after putting them in place – your confidence is back on track, you’re eating better than before, and your smile has never been better. But caring for your shiny pearls doesn’t stop on the day you get your dentures – you have to take care of them as well.
Castlemaine Smiles Dentist wants you to have perfect dentures that can last a very long time, so our dentists educate you on the quick and easy steps of caring for them. Here are some of those steps, but be sure to visit our clinic for more amazing hacks.
- Brush your dentures regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Maintain oral hygiene by brushing your gums as well.
- Keep dentures in the recommended denture solution when not worn.
- Handle with care and keep them away from children.
Premium dentures at Castlemaine Smiles Dentist
Dentures are one of the many miracles modern dentistry can offer. Although they have been around for quite some time now, Castlemaine Smiles Dentist still makes sure you get the latest innovation in dentures.
And our dentists do not stop there. Our skilled dentists educate you on all there is to know to take care of your perfect dentures and help them last a long time.
Call us on (03) 5472 1377 or request your appointment online today for dentures in Castlemaine!