Summer has arrived which means most Australians are soon to be in holiday mode! Going on holidays is a well-deserved time to break away from your busy schedule and cheat a bit on your healthy diet – and while it’s your chance to relax, it’s important you don’t neglect taking good care of your dental hygiene routine. Here’s how to take care of your teeth while travelling.
Book a check-up before you go
It’s recommended that you visit the dentist every six months for a check-up and clean. If you’re due for a visit, why not go just before you leave for holidays? Making sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and clean can allow you to avoid any dental emergencies while you’re away. This is especially useful if access to dental care is limited wherever you’re travelling to.
Keep your toothbrush clean and dry
A mistake people often make when travelling, is storing their toothbrush back in its travel holder while it’s still wet. This allows for your toothbrush to become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.
If you’re staying in the same spot while travelling, it’s best to leave your toothbrush out on the counter to allow it to dry – as you would at home. If you’re camping or using a communal bathroom, your next best option is to choose a travel toothbrush holder with ventilation.
Keep up your dental routine
It’s easy to fall out of routine while you’re on holidays. When you’re travelling, and out all day and night, you’re likely to want to go straight to bed when you get back to your hotel. However, you should try your best not to skip your nightly brushing routine.
If you only have a travel-sized tooth paste, floss and mouth wash, make sure you have enough for the duration of your stay, or that you’re close to a chemist or grocery store to stock up.
Limit your alcohol and sweets
Holidays are the perfect time to let loose and indulge in all the delicious food you can. It also calls for a celebration – and an alcoholic drink here or there.
But an overboard of sugar consumption can cause damage to your teeth, including cavities, tooth decay and weakness. Sugar and plaque build up produce acids that attack your enamel, which is the hard surface on your teeth. Each acid attack can last for up to 20 minutes after you finish eating. It’s likely that you’re not brushing your teeth until hours later when you’re on holidays, so you should try your best to not go overboard on your sugar consumption.
Holidays are you time to relax and enjoy yourself, however these simple tips can help you avoid any dental emergencies or bad dental habits.
For more dental health tips, or to book an appointment with a trusted local dentist, contact Castlemaine Smiles. We provide high quality dental care for adults and children, including preventative and restorative treatments. Book now to utilise your dental health insurance before it expires at the end of the year. Call us today on (03) 5472 1377 or visit our website.